BlephExTM hand piece precisely and carefully, spins a medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.
Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compress
BRUDER Moist Heat Eye Compress opens oil glands and allows natural oils to flow back into the eye relieving discomfort from aging, contact lenses, use of digital devices and more.
TearLab Osmolarity System
TearLab's sophisticated lab on a chip technology tests a tiny tear sample to measure Osmolarity, or the salt content in the tears. This gives doctors a meaningful measure of the health and stability of the protective tear film that covers the surface of your eyes.
Compresses your eyelids, melts blockages and clears your blocked orifices.
Optos California
Was designed to facilitate retinal exams and document findings.
Includes the latest in retina and glaucoma diagnostics, such as OCT angiography and en face imaging
M3 ARK With Tonometry
Non-contact tonometer whose totally automated operation results in error-free ocular pressure measurements
Humphrey HFA3
This is used to assist with Glaucoma detection. It's designed for the examination, analysis and documentation of the field of sight, especially the light difference sensitivity and other functions of the human eye.
Medmont E300 USB
Produces incredible images of the unique contours of your eye. This is great for fitting sclerals. Advanced vision-assessment system that combines topography, wavefront, autorefraction, keratometry, and pupillometry — allowing accurate and reliable analysis of corneal aberration.
Used for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye.